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Australian Cattle Dog

Also known as "Heelers", Australian Cattle Dogs have a history that is easy to guess from the name. It takes a hardy dog to herd cattle, even more so in Australia. The modern day Heeler will not appreciate being cooped up inside all day and is not much of a lap dog, but a terrific jogging companion and frisbee player. Like all herding dogs, Heelers thrill to the physical and mental challenge of flyball or agility courses. Maci could use this, as she is overweight. They do not need much attention in the way of grooming, but be prepared for huge wads of fur when they "blow coat" (they shed all at once rather than gradually). Australian Cattle Dogs are medium sized with erect ears and pointy snouts. Colors are are blue with or without mottles or speckles, or speckled red.
"Pepper" (female) courtesy of Aimee_23 i-dog message board Status: verified, Age: 5 yrs Size: medium Weight: 40 lbs "Danu" (female) courtesy of Shelter Showcase Status: not verified, Age: 1-1/2 yrs Size: unknown Weight: unknown "Maci" (female) courtesy of Mixed Up Mutts Status: verified, Age: 2-3 yrs Size: unknown Weight: unknown "Pepper" (female) courtesy of Aimee_23 i-dog message board Status: verified, Age: 5 yrs Size: medium Weight: 40 lbs

"Telltail Signs"

  • "Bentley" or white spot on skull
  • Needs a "mission"
See Heelers mixed with....


The picture on the right shows the "Bentley" white blaze on the top of the skull, which is a hallmark of Australian Cattle Dogs.
"Bleau Belle" (female) courtesy of shelterdog The Dog Food Project Status: verified, Age: 10-12 wks Size: unknown Weight: 10-15 lbs "Bleau Belle" (female) courtesy of shelterdog The Dog Food Project Status: verified, Age: 10-12 wks Size: unknown Weight: 10-15 lbs