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There is probably no one who doesn't recognize a Dalmatian, thanks to the famous Disney movie. Dalmatians have a reputation for being well-behaved. They were bred to run alongside horse-drawn carriages, which is probably where the association with firefighters came. To this day, they still love to run for long distances, so if you are thinking of getting one, be prepared to take him/her jogging with you. Make sure that they stay fenced in so they don't take off by themselves. In addition to the striking black-spotted Dalmatians, there are also dogs with dark brown spots like Cecil (called "livers"). Both types are born pure white.
"Cecil" (female) courtesy of Mt Pleasant Animal Shelter Status: verified Age: unknown Size: large Weight: unknown "Daisy" (female) courtesy of Happy Hills Animal Foundation Status: verified, Age: unknown Size: medium Weight: unknown

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"No Picture"
Dals take a year to develop their spots, so puppies may be hard to recognize.