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West Highland White Terrier

West highland Terriers, or "Westies" as they are called, are small, white, spunky dogs with protective long coats. They may look like lapdogs, but don't forget that they are terriers. They will have other ideas if you think they are going to cuddle with you on the sofa. Westies were born to hunt vermin, which usually means digging to find the prey's burrow. They won't stop at your flower bed if they think there are rodents down there somewhere. If you don't want your Westie to look shaggy, plan on a trip to the grooming salon at least very other month. As a small dog they do not need very much exercise, but at the very least take them out for a walk with you every chance you get. If you are considering getting a West Highland White Terrier, visit the Westie Profiler. Westies can be recognized by their long-haired white coats, perky ears, and short tails.
"Hurley" (male) courtesy of colliewog i-dog message board Status: verified, Age: 2 yrs Size: small Weight: 17 lbs "Dickens" (male) courtesy of clarzoo i-dog message board Status: verified, Age: 10 yrs Size: small Weight: 21 lbs

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See Westies mixed with....


"Lilly" (female) courtesy of jmd16 i-dog message board Status: verified, Age: 3 wks Size: small Weight: 1-1/2 - 2 lbs "Morning Star and Lilly" (both female) courtesy of jmd16 i-dog message board Status: verified, Age: 8 wks Size: small Weight: 4 lbs / 2-1/2 lbs. "Batman" (male) courtesy of Halfway Home Rescue Status: verified, Age: 3 mos Size: unknown Weight: unknown
These pictures are good examples of a puppy having to be a certain age before the ears perk up. Lilly and Morning Star are littermates. Morning Star was the largest in the litter and Lilly the smallest.